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Our shared collection with BCcampus breaks down resources by subject area. You can also filter by ancillaries, accessibility criteria, review or adoption status, as you search for the best fit in your courses. We’re always here to help if you’re not sure where to start.
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Results: 361
Media Studies 101
Media Studies 101 is the open educational resource for media studies studies in New Zealand, Australia, and Pacifica. We have constructed this text so it can be read in a number of ways. You may wish...[more]
Business/Technical Mathematics
The content of this textbook is aligned with the British Columbia Adult Basic Education learning outcomes for the Advanced Level Business/Technical Mathematics. The textbook covers nine groups of lea...[more]
Introduction to Consumer Behaviour
This open textbook was designed for students studying business or marketing at an undergraduate level. It draws on the fields of marketing, business, communications, media studies, psychology, sociol...[more]
Student Success
This book offers study skills and practices for college and university students to help them make a positive transition to post-secondary education, learn how to be a successful student, and make the...[more]
Basic Analysis: Introduction to Real Analysis - Volume 2
This book is a continuation of Basic Analysis: Introduction to Real Analysis - Volume 1. Volume II continues into multivariable analysis, starting with differential calculus, including inverse and im...[more]
Basic Analysis I: Introduction to Real Analysis - Volume 1
This is a course in undergraduate real analysis, also known as advanced calculus. The book works for both basic courses for students who do not necessarily wish to go to graduate school and also more...[more]
Notes on Diffy Qs: Differential Equations for Engineers
A first course on differential equations, aimed at engineering students. The prerequisite for the course is the basic calculus sequence. This OER is usable as a standalone textbook or as a companion ...[more]
A Concise Introduction to Logic
A Concise Introduction to Logic is an introduction to formal logic suitable for undergraduates taking a general education course in logic or critical thinking, it and is accessible and useful to any ...[more]
Concepts of Biology - 1st Canadian Edition
In this survey text, directed at those not majoring in biology, we dispel the assumption that a little learning is a dangerous thing. We hope that by skimming the surface of a very deep subject, biol...[more]
Introductory Business Statistics with Interactive Spreadsheets - 1st Canadian Edition
"Introductory Business Statistics with Interactive Spreadsheets - 1st Canadian Edition" is an adaptation of Thomas K. Tiemann's book, "Introductory Business Statistics". In addition to covering basic...[more]
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