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Our shared collection with BCcampus breaks down resources by subject area. You can also filter by ancillaries, accessibility criteria, review or adoption status, as you search for the best fit in your courses. We’re always here to help if you’re not sure where to start.
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Results: 361
Print-on-Demand Guide
The updated and expanded Print-on-Demand Guide provides an overview for post-secondary institutions interested in offering on-demand and pre-order printing services for open textbooks and other OER. ...[more]
Adoption Guide - 2nd Edition
The second edition is an updated and expanded version of the original adoption guide. The first sections address three distinct groups involved in open textbook adoption: instructors, post-secondary ...[more]
Intermediate General and Applied Science Course
This course package is designed as an introduction to General and Applied Science. It satisfies the learning outcomes for British Columbia ABE Intermediate General and Applied Science, which is consi...[more]
Active Calculus Multivariable
In Active Calculus Multivariable, we endeavor to actively engage students in learning the subject through an activity-driven approach in which the vast majority of the examples are completed by stude...[more]
Key Concepts of Intermediate Level Math
This textbook is a concise, understandable, and effective guide on intermediate level mathematics. This book can be used by Adult Basic Education programs at colleges; students in community colleges,...[more]
Calculus-Based Physics I
Calculus-Based Physics is an introductory physics textbook designed for use in the two-semester introductory physics course typically taken by science and engineering students. This is the first of t...[more]
Delftse Foundations of Computation
Delftse Foundations of Computation is a textbook for an introductory course in theoretical computer science. It includes topics from propositional and predicate logic, proof techniques, set theory an...[more]
Introduction to Oceanography
Introduction to Oceanography is a textbook appropriate to an introductory-level university course in oceanography. The book covers the fundamental geological, chemical, physical and biological proces...[more]
History of International Relations: A Non-European Perspective
This textbook pioneers a new approach to the study of international relations by historicizing the material traditionally taught in international relations courses and by explicitly focusing on non-E...[more]
Environmental Science: A Canadian Perspective
This textbook is intended to provide the core elements of a curriculum for teaching environmental science at the introductory level in Canadian colleges and universities. This book is suitable for st...[more]
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