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Browse by Subject Area
Our shared collection with BCcampus breaks down resources by subject area. You can also filter by ancillaries, accessibility criteria, review or adoption status, as you search for the best fit in your courses. We’re always here to help if you’re not sure where to start.
You can also browse a growing collection of Made-in-Manitoba resources by visiting our PressbooksEDU catalogue.
Results: 4
Filtered by Subject: Business and Technology
Beginning Excel 2019
This Beginning Excel textbook is intended for use in a one-term introductory spreadsheet course for all majors. The basics of Excel, as they apply to the professional workplace, are introduced, inclu...[more]
Digital Accessibility as a Business Practice
Most business leaders would agree that reaching the broadest audience is good for a business’s bottom line. A good portion of that audience will be people with disabilities. How, though, would an org...[more]
Presentation Software
An introduction to creating electronic presentations using Microsoft PowerPoint 2010
Information Systems for Business and Beyond
Information Systems for Business and Beyond introduces the concept of information systems, their use in business, and the larger impact they are having on our world.