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Results: 5
Filtered by Subject: Chemistry
Organic Chemistry with a Biological Emphasis - Volumes I & II
This textbook is designed for a two-semester, sophomore-level course in organic chemistry in which biological chemistry takes center stage. For the most part, the text covers the core concepts of org...[more]
Chemistry: Atoms First - 2e (OpenStax)
The intention of “atoms-first” involves a few basic principles: first, it introduces atomic and molecular structure much earlier than the traditional approach, and it threads these themes through sub...[more]
Chemistry - 2e (OpenStax)
Chemistry 2e is designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of the two-semester general chemistry course. The textbook provides an important opportunity for students to learn the core concep...[more]
Introductory Chemistry - 1st Canadian Edition
The goal of this textbook is not to make you an expert. True expertise in any field is a years-long endeavor. Here I will survey some of the basic topics of chemistry. This survey should give you eno...[more]
Analytical Chemistry 2.0
Analytical chemistry is more than a collection of analytical methods and an understanding of equilibrium chemistry; it is an approach to solving chemical problems. Although equilibrium chemistry and ...[more]