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Browse by Subject Area
Our shared collection with BCcampus breaks down resources by subject area. You can also filter by ancillaries, accessibility criteria, review or adoption status, as you search for the best fit in your courses. We’re always here to help if you’re not sure where to start.
You can also browse a growing collection of Made-in-Manitoba resources by visiting our PressbooksEDU catalogue.
Results: 3
Filtered by Subject: Finance
Financial Empowerment: Personal Finance for Indigenous and Non-Indigenous People
Financial Empowerment is designed for a single-semester introduction to financial planning and decision-making, in order to provide first and second-year business students with the necessary financia...[more]
Financial Strategy for Public Managers
Financial Strategy for Public Managers is a new generation textbook for financial management in the public sector. It offers a thorough, applied, and concise introduction to the essential financial c...[more]
Building a Competitive First Nation Investment Climate
This is the first edition of the open text book Building a Competitive Investment Climate on First Nation Lands. This textbook is for students who are First Nation and tribal government employees or ...[more]