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Ethical Use of Technology in Digital Learning Environments: Graduate Student Perspectives by Barbara Brown, Verena Roberts, Michele Jacobsen, Christie Hurrell (Eds) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Ethical Use of Technology in Digital Learning Environments: Graduate Student Perspectives
Description: This book is the result of a co-design project in a class in the Masters of Education program at the University of Calgary. The course, and the resulting book, focus primarily on the safe and ethical use of technology in digital learning environments. The course was organized according to four topics based on Farrow’s (2016) Framework for the Ethics of Open Education and discusses Artificial Intelligence (AI) , social networking services (SNS), 3D printing, resource sharing, adaptive learning systems, STEM, assistive technologies, admissions, and communications. In each of the nine chapters, the authors discuss the connection to the value of technology in education, and practical possibilities of learning technologies for inclusive, participatory, democratic, and pluralistic educational paradigms.
Posted: March 5, 2021 | Updated: March 12, 2021
Author: Barbara Brown, Verena Roberts, Michele Jacobsen, Christie Hurrell (Eds)
Subject Areas
Education, Digital Education
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