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Creative Commons License
Introduction to Consumer Behaviour by Andrea Niosi, Kwantlen Polytechnic University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

Introduction to Consumer Behaviour

Description: This open textbook was designed for students studying business or marketing at an undergraduate level. It draws on the fields of marketing, business, communications, media studies, psychology, sociology, and anthropology. The book invites readers to examine the internal forces that shape consumer decision making, such as perceptions, motivations, personality, and attitudes as well as the external ones, such as social and situational influences, culture, and subcultures. This text centres the lived experiences of today’s consumers, specifically, undergraduate students. The author has also made efforts to decentre whiteness and dominant culture perspectives wherever possible to ensure a broader and more accurate representation of diverse consumers. This OER contains content created by students from Kwantlen Polytechnic University and is best used alongside the Ancillary Resource Guide that contains several essays, case studies, assignments, and project outlines, and an accompanying multiple choice test bank.

July 2, 2021 | Updated: June 23, 2022
Author: Andrea Niosi, Kwantlen Polytechnic University

Subject Areas
Business, Marketing

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  • WEBSITE External website. This icon is licensed under a Creative Commons
		Attribution 3.0 License. Copyright Yusuke Kamiyamane. Ancillary resource: Request access to test bank

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Reviews (1) Avg: 4 / 5

andrea eby

Institution:Capilano UniversityTitle/Position: FacultyCreative Commons License

Q: The text covers all areas and ideas of the subject appropriately and provides an effective index and/or glossary

Overall, covers majority of subjects from theoretical perspective but at a high level. Not enough depth, and definitely missing industry relevance within chapters themselves, although some good industry sources in the continue learning eg. hubspot. I would better integrate industry examples into the chapter. But ultimately to answer the question why throughout, why does any of this matter, what is the impact on the brand, the business, competitors, consumption, loyalty....I would really like to see more research insights and metrics. Consumer behaviour is highly researched, this should be incorporated.

Comprehensiveness Rating: 4 out of 5

Q: Content is accurate, error-free and unbiased

As an example - Consumer decision making p 216 consumers do not skip these steps as indicated in the simple decision making left side of diagram, they are in the subconscious. So for example even in simple decision making if you always purchase the same shampoo but then right next to your brand is your favourite influencer with a competing brand, you would notice this and evaluate, steps are not skipped. Also there are five steps - Need recognition, info search, evaluation, purchase, consumption and learning. There are more on page 216 different from most adopted theories.
Perceptual map p. 34 Automobiles - today much more relevance on e cars, missing:Tesla is not on chart at all. Also the Y axis does not make sense, Classy Distinctive to Practical/Affordable
Overall, diagrams need to be more current and relevant (some notes above) but another example p 135 Advertisements Targeting the Id, use a known influencer, someone students can relate to
When persona is mentioned on p 140, this could use a diagram, many consumer profiling examples, and so used in industry

Content Accuracy Rating: 4 out of 5

Q: Content is up-to-date, but not in a way that will quickly make the text obsolete within a short period of time. The text is written and/or arranged in such a way that necessary updates will be relatively easy and straightforward to implement

Currency of content and industry relevance are two areas of improvement. The ties to research, insights, metrics - eg attitude and useage surveys, impacts on consumption
Missing is also consumer journey mapping, and terms: pain points, motivators, delights, consumer profiling
An example Branding p 162 - and loyalty - why does this matter and what is the impact on the brand, the business? The Nike example on page 165 is from 2018, and why not pick one of the top 10 brands and incorporate interbrand and their valuation process

Relevance Rating: 3 out of 5

Q: The text is written in lucid, accessible prose, and provides adequate context for any jargon/technical terminology used

Writing is strong, but I feels like too many paragraphs on a page, I find myself drifting. Bullet points, diagrams, industry relevance, and more engagement around why any of this matters to draw more interest.

Clarity Rating: 4 out of 5

Q: The text is internally consistent in terms of terminology and framework

Yes internally consistent

Consistency Rating: 5 out of 5

Q: The text is easily and readily divisible into smaller reading sections that can be assigned at different points within the course (i.e., enormous blocks of text without subheadings should be avoided). The text should not be overly self-referential, and should be easily reorganized and realigned with various subunits of a course without presenting much disruption to the reader.

Yes easily and readily divisible into smaller reading sections, but what seems to be missing to me are the learning outcomes and the summary for each chapter

Modularity Rating: 4 out of 5

Q: The topics in the text are presented in a logical, clear fashion

Yes topics are in logical order, and are clear. But on clarity - better incorporation around relevance, impact to industry would make content more meaningful.

Organization Rating: 4 out of 5

Q: The text is free of significant interface issues, including navigation problems, distortion of images/charts, and any other display features that may distract or confuse the reader

I was not able to go back on this form, please ignore, have found the Learning Outcomes.
Navigation, and the search works well. What I find confusing is the table of contents and the numbers on the left side of contents within a chapter with the pages on the right, I am not sure you need those numbers from 1-43, I would also label chapters as Chapter 1, versus Part and would also use numbers vs roman numerals.

Interface Rating: 4 out of 5

Q: The text contains no grammatical errors

The writing I would suggest a consistent tense, third person. Throughout first person, and third person, and I would suggest evidence based writing, need support, research, metrics. p 223 could use an edit - For example this sentence:Consumers don't want to degrade the environment if they don't have to, and companies are becoming more aware of this fact. Confusing, poorly written and what is it really saying? Also where is the evidence to support? Research with metrics?
Fourth paragraph, last two sentences - moving from third person to first person, and also lacking relevance
p229 - not spelling or grammatical, but currency and relevance (was not able to go back) a survey from 2007 - green marketing is so topical today and resonates with our students, missing tie in with SDGs
colloquial terms need to be removed - p 229 third paragraph - 'red hot'

Grammar Rating: 3 out of 5

Q: The text is not culturally insensitive or offensive in any way. It should make use of examples that are inclusive of a variety of races, ethnicities, and backgrounds

Not able to go back p291 COVID19 (not Covid19)
Related to age - missing are age segments, and what is also missing is the importance of this, age is the primary segment by which so much is known about consumers, eg millenials are tech savvy, care about environment, brand segmenting by age cohort, so much is also known (although general) related to psychographics and behavioural
Did not find anything insensitive or offensive

Cultural Relevance Rating: 5 out of 5

Q: Are there any other comments you would like to make about this book, for example, its appropriateness in a Canadian context or specific updates you think need to be made?

Not recommended overall as I struggle with the relevance - so why does that decision making process matter? Why should a brand care about this? It is about consumer journey mapping..
Research needs to be incorporated, eg. Qualtrics, research tools, but also research attitude, satisfaction levels - what does an 85% satisfaction mean, impact on the brand, loyalty....
Industry tools - eg Nielsen - neuromarketing, eye tracking
Xtensio for consumer profiling/persona
Digital is missing - eg sentiment analysis, so much is happening in the digital space
Psychology should be better integrated - senses - smell/olfactory being most prominent and why..
Unusual as there is some current information - COVID...but then many outdated examples, and the digital space is not incorporated - this is where our students live...what is happening on TikTok, Discord, Twitch...

I wonder, for students to print this book, almost 400 pages (some of my students like a hard copy) is there a recommendation of where to have this done, and estimate on cost?

I hope this helps, thank you for the opportunity to review