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Intermediate Financial Accounting: Volume 2 - 2021A (Lyryx) by Glenn Arnold, Suzanne Kyle, Athabasca University, Lyryx Learning Team is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Intermediate Financial Accounting: Volume 2 - 2021A (Lyryx)
Description: Intermediate Financial Accounting Volume 2 by G. Arnold and S. Kyle, developed in collaboration by Athabasca University and Lyryx, is intended for the second of two in Intermediate Financial Accounting courses. It presumes that students have already completed the Introductory Financial Accounting, and the first Intermediate Financing Accounting course. The textbook reflects both current International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and ASPE. This textbook covers all topics essential to a second level Intermediate Accounting course: current, long-term and complex liabilities, income taxes, pensions, leases, shareholders’ equity, earnings per share, statement of cash flows including the direct approach, effects of changes and errors, and disclosures and analysis. Topics that are covered in Advanced Financial Accounting courses, such as consolidations and foreign exchange, are not included here. For those requiring preparation for CPA designation, competencies as outlined by the CPA are addressed in this textbook. For a detailed competency map, please contact us at
Posted: April 26, 2021 | Updated: January 4, 2022
Author: Glenn Arnold, Suzanne Kyle, Athabasca University, Lyryx Learning Team
Subject Areas
Business, Accounting
Original source
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