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Essential Skills Companion Kit for Culinary Arts Trades Training by Marlin Ratch, Francesca de Bastiani, Shelby Desjarlais, Chef Andrew George, Chef Nathan Hyam, Chef Chris Monkman, Jason Forseth is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Essential Skills Companion Kit for Culinary Arts Trades Training
Description: The Essential Skills Companion Kit to Culinary Arts Trades Training was developed to complement technical Culinary Arts Trades Training. The various activity sets are designed to reinforce academic information that students are required to know during their training. The Content Experts provided the Curriculum Development Team with themes and the curriculum was created to practice Essential Skills such as Reading Text, Document Use, Thinking Skills, Oral Communication and Working with Others.
Posted: August 16, 2016 | Updated: June 17, 2019
Author: Marlin Ratch, Francesca de Bastiani, Shelby Desjarlais, Chef Andrew George, Chef Nathan Hyam, Chef Chris Monkman, Jason Forseth
Subject Areas
Trades, Professional Cook
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