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Creative Commons License
Psychology - 1st Canadian Edition by Sally Walters, Thompson Rivers University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

Psychology - 1st Canadian Edition

Description: This book is designed to introduce students to psychology. It is an approachable, comprehensive overview of the main perspectives and sub-fields, with a focus on the science of psychology. There is an explicitly Canadian perspective, and the book incorporates open access material from other experts. Readers are also shown how to approach learning about psychology while being given the content. This book is an adaptation of Introduction to Psychology - 1st Canadian Edition (Stangor and Walinga) and includes other material from OpenStax and NOBA, as well as some original content.

April 8, 2021 | Updated: September 1, 2022
Author: Sally Walters, Thompson Rivers University

Subject Areas
Social Sciences, Psychology

Original source

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Reviews (1) Avg: 4.7 / 5

Dinesh Ramoo

Institution:Brandon UniversityTitle/Position: Sessional InstructorCreative Commons License

Q: The text covers all areas and ideas of the subject appropriately and provides an effective index and/or glossary

The textbook covers all the preliminary topics for an Introduction to Psychology course. It does not provide an index or glossary.

Comprehensiveness Rating: 5 out of 5

Q: Content is accurate, error-free and unbiased

Includes diagrams and tables as effective summary tools. The content is unbiased and provides a good description of the data within a Canadian context. It would be a good idea to update the diagrams to be larger and better quality. This may be an issue if the book is printed though it works well in digital form.

Content Accuracy Rating: 5 out of 5

Q: Content is up-to-date, but not in a way that will quickly make the text obsolete within a short period of time. The text is written and/or arranged in such a way that necessary updates will be relatively easy and straightforward to implement

The content is up-to-date in terms of Canadian as well as some international information. Clearly divided into sections to allow for easy updates on specific subjects.

Relevance Rating: 5 out of 5

Q: The text is written in lucid, accessible prose, and provides adequate context for any jargon/technical terminology used

The writing is lucid and accessible. As this is an introductory subject with a lot of technical jargon for first-year students, it would be useful to have an interactive glossary.

Clarity Rating: 4 out of 5

Q: The text is internally consistent in terms of terminology and framework

The text is internally consistent in terms of the technical jargon used. Each chapter comes with clear and consistent learning outcomes and ends with key takeaways and questions for critical thinking. These textboxes are given in consistently different colours allowing students and instructors to find them easily.

Consistency Rating: 5 out of 5

Q: The text is easily and readily divisible into smaller reading sections that can be assigned at different points within the course (i.e., enormous blocks of text without subheadings should be avoided). The text should not be overly self-referential, and should be easily reorganized and realigned with various subunits of a course without presenting much disruption to the reader.

Each section is self-contained within each chapter. A section is small enough to be readable within a few minutes allows students to divide their reading time between individual sections without getting lost. Most sections come with their own learning outcomes and each chapter ends with a summary, key takeaways and questions on critical thinking. There are also textboxes about "Psychology in Everyday Life" that provide interesting insights into the application of the acquired knowledge.

Modularity Rating: 5 out of 5

Q: The topics in the text are presented in a logical, clear fashion

Text is presented in clearly defined chapters that can cover Introduction to Psychology I & II.

Organization Rating: 5 out of 5

Q: The text is free of significant interface issues, including navigation problems, distortion of images/charts, and any other display features that may distract or confuse the reader

There are no significant interface issues. Some photos and diagrams are of a lower resolution than what we have come to expect in a web interface. However, these are clear enough to provide the required information. The presentation is not confusing.

Interface Rating: 4 out of 5

Q: The text contains no grammatical errors

There are no grammatical or spelling errors.

Grammar Rating: 5 out of 5

Q: The text is not culturally insensitive or offensive in any way. It should make use of examples that are inclusive of a variety of races, ethnicities, and backgrounds

There is evident effort to reflect diversity and inclusion. Most sections (e.g., Mood Disorders, Personality and Culture) include information specific to First Nations and gender. There are also references to different ethnicities, national statistics, sexual orientations and age groups. There could have been more inclusion of religious diversity in discussing topics such as consciousness and mental health (as religion does effect stress and mental well-being). There could also have been some discussion on culture-specific syndromes in discussing psychological disorders.

There are some web URLs within the text that are embedded as hyperlinks (usually to YouTube videos). These could also be given in full to assist with accessibility.

Cultural Relevance Rating: 4 out of 5

Q: Are there any other comments you would like to make about this book, for example, its appropriateness in a Canadian context or specific updates you think need to be made?

I believe this is an excellent book for an Introduction to Psychology course. I think it can be further improved with more diverse and inclusive content.