No Matter Where You’re Coming From, There’s a Pathway to Open Education
For You.
Use an Open Textbook
If you think an open resource would be a good fit in your courses, it’s time to make it official. With one click, you can download the resource from the web into your Learning Management System or faculty webpage, where students can have immediate access. You can also email it out as an attachment or direct students to the URL.
Need some help? We’re here for you.
Review a Textbook
We’re offering a $250 honorarium to Manitoba faculty members who complete a review of any textbook in our collection to a maximum of 2 reviews per faculty member.
Textbook reviews are an important part of ensuring that OERs stay as relevant and contemporary as possible. It also helps prospective users of OERs to scope whether or not they’d be a good fit in particular subject areas or programs.
It takes a little time, but it makes a big impact. Please consider submitting your application to review an OER today.
Advocate for Open Textbooks
Want to share your passion for open education with others in your communities?
Here are two ways you can advocate for open textbooks:

Host an informational session for colleagues, departments, administrations, student unions, and other interested parties.

Read and share digital content that we’ve written and curated about open in Manitoba.