Let’s Celebrate

If you’ve used an OER 1 or 100 times, you are an open champion who deserves celebration.

Consider looping us in on how you’ve been increasing access to education, and we’ll give you some much-deserved kudos. Reporting your open work also helps us advocate for open education’s impact in the province by tallying student savings.

Piggy bank icon.

Share Your Students’ Savings

Thank you for helping open access to education in Manitoba. When you let us know that you’ve been using an OER, we add your totals to the cumulative amount of student savings across Manitoba’s post-secondary landscape as a result of OER adoptions. This information guides our reporting to community members about the strength and growth of the initiative.

We also regularly tell stories of Manitoba’s OER champions at advocacy events, in workshops, and through original and curated digital content.

Tell Us a Bit About the Open Resource

Please fill out the following form if you have adopted an Open Educational Resource.
Faculty adoption information is important to the long term viability of this initiative.

Contact Information

Course Details

Resource Details

Adoption Terms

Have you used this open resource in previous courses or terms? (required) *
Do you plan to continue using this open resource in the future?


May we share your name and institution with other faculty interested in open resource adoptions? (required) *
May we publish your name and institution on this website as part of our adoption reporting? *